Prebujam se
Prebujam se. Prebujam se v svet svežih zamisli, novih občutij, odmrznjene sreče in navdiha nedolžne norosti. Prepevam. Prepevam tiho in počasi, a vzklikam glasno, ko kličem ptice z razprtimi krili, v jasnini…
Jean Monnet Chair: Inclusive Communities for European Industry 5.0
The overarching goal of the IC4EU is to contribute to better pedagogic, academic and public coverage of new challenges and recent developments in the field sustainability, digitalisation, and Industry 5.0. web page We…
Viloškratka in čarobna pustolovščina.
Pri založbi VITAAA je izšla moja nova knjiga: Viloškratka in čarobna pustolovščina. Neskončno sem hvaležna za to priložnost, da vas skupaj z vilinskimi bitji povabim na pustolovščino, ne le pri branju knjige, ampak…
September 2024 LifeNet Equinox Telepathic Workshop: Gaia’s New Directions
September 2024 LifeNet Equinox Telepathic Workshop: Gaia’s New Directions Saturday, September 21st in the morning at 09.00 Tuesday, September 24th in the evening at 20.00 The workshop program can be found in different…
16. Evropska sociološka konferenca – Planetarna zavest in evropsko državljanstvo
Med 27. in 30 avgustom sem imela priložnost obiskati slikovit Porto, mestece na severu Portugalske. Tam sem se udeležila 16. Evropske sociološke konference, kjer je svoj referat predstavilo več kot 3000 sociologov. V…
August 2024 LifeNet Telepathic Workshop: Widening of the Human Heart
Sunday, August 25th in the morning at 09.00 Tuesday, August 27th in the evening at 20.00 The workshop program can be found in different languages on these web pages: www.lifenet.si or https://www.lebensnetz-geomantie.de/ Widening…
July 2024 LifeNet Telepathic Workshop: Plant World Rising
Sunday, July 21st in the morning at 09.00 Tuesday, July 23rd in the evening at 20.00 The workshop program can be found in different languages on these web pages: www.lifenet.si or https://www.lebensnetz-geomantie.de/ …
Inavguracijsko predavanje – Planetarna zavest kot vzvod za trajnostno družbeno morfogenezo
V četrtek, 20. junija 2024, je potekalo moje invaguracijsko predavanje z naslovom »Planetarna zavest kot vzvod za trajnostno družbeno morfogenezo«. Predavanje je rekonceptualiziralo koncept trajnostnega razvoja in odgovornega vedenja ter ponudilo nove perspektive in…
June 2024 LifeNet Telepathic Solstice Workshop: Grounding the Cosmic Feminine in the Embodied World
Sunday, June 23rd in the morning at 09.00 Wednesday, June 26th in the evening at 20.00 The workshop program can be found in different languages on these web pages: www.lifenet.si or https://www.lebensnetz-geomantie.de/ Grounding…
May 2024 LifeNet Telepathic Workshop: Transformation of the Elements
May 2024 LifeNet Telepathic Workshop: Transformation of the Elements Sunday, May 26th in the morning at 09.00 Tuesday, May 28th in the evening at 20.00 The workshop program can be found in different…