August 2024 LifeNet Telepathic Workshop: Widening of the Human Heart
- Sunday, August 25th in the morning at 09.00
- Tuesday, August 27th in the evening at 20.00
The workshop program can be found in different languages on these web pages: or
Widening of the Human Heart
This workshop is telepathic and we orientate ourselves according to the course of the Sun. That means no matter where the participant is located, the workshop always begins at the given time according to your local time zone.
If needed, review the Guidelines for Telepathic Workshops published on these two websites. Study the workshop plan beforehand and have it printed with you or available on your computer or phone, so that you can follow the sequences.
Since we each have different rhythms of how we engage in our spiritual work, take as much time as you need for each sequence.
Group Attunement
Be grounded in your heart and body and feel the presence of our group, which includes elemental, angelic and spiritual beings who support us.
Although we are spread widely around the world, we come together in our love for Gaia and our sense of shared responsibility for the life of Earth.
Sequence 1: An Unexpected Gift for Our Heart System (proposed by Marko Pogačnik)
The overall situation in the world around us is more than critical. What we can do as individuals and as a group is to inspire the human family to hold peace in any situation that comes up in daily life. This is possible if we activate our own multidimensional heart system. One can imagine it as a constellation of several heart centers positioned around the so-called heart chakra.
A possible way to awaken our heart system to become a messenger of peace and love is to open oneself to a newly offered gift from the inner universe. We live in the manifested (outer) universe which is still on the way to embody its spiritual purpose. The inner (dark) universe is a treasury of wisdom and knowledge because it has already done its evolution. It can perfectly support us on our path of transformation.
- Be aware that together with Gaia we stand at the threshold between the inner dark and the outer light universe lit by countless star systems. How does it feel to stand at this borderline between the darkness of eternity and the light of active evolution?
- Then go with your hands down into your back space to touch the star that can help you in activating your heart system. (Feel free to make a corresponding gesture with your hands). Feel the presence of the star between the palms of your hands.
- Bring the star forward and position it in front of your heart center’s constellation. Be aware that its light is neutral because it is turned inwardly. Nevertheless, marvel at its beauty.
- Now to activate its light, let it glide through your heart space until it reaches the position at the back of your chest. By touching your heart centers, the star from the inner universe has been activated. It shines now behind your back as a bright sun. Take time to bathe in its radiation.
- Its beams accelerate the activity of your heart centers to the extent that their presence becomes a messenger of peace and love, touching fellow human beings and all the worlds of Gaia. Like a flock of white birds, the message of peace and love rhythmically leaves your heart space to fly out. Follow its outflow for a while.
Sequence 2: Unified Heartbeat with Gaia (proposed by Tea Golob)
To live fully in tune with our multidimensional heart system, we must see beyond the veils of separation. Our reality manifests through the lens of duality – light and dark, female and male, joy and sorrow… These dualities are powerful forces of all creation, allowing the universe to express all its beauty, including us. To step forward as cocreators of a new reality with Gaia, we should cease to be victims of the so-called dark side of duality and start perceiving both poles as sacred tools and divine means for life to exist in its natural cycles. By recognizing that these forces stem from a single source of unconditional love, we can expand our awareness and begin creating from this understanding.
Valuable support on this demanding path can come from drawing on the treasury of human archetypes and symbolic representations. This allows us to tap into our collective unconscious, where suppressed memories and experiences—along with the codes of separation—are hidden and available for transformation.
- Imagine you stand in front of the Garden of Eden. There are two Cherubim at the gate, holding flaming swords. You have no choice but to turn away and walk alone through a dark, unknown land, uncertain of what lies ahead. Allow yourself to become fully aware of all your feelings on this path.
- Tune in to your heartbeat. As you focus on your heart space, you notice a bright flame of light emanating from its centre. It is illuminating your path. You realize you are not alone; other beings – humans, ancestors, animals, plant spirits, and fairies are there with you, their hearts brimming with the same light as yours.
- You arrive at a magnificent tree with a grand canopy and roots spreading across the Earth’s surface. Along with all your companions, you sit beside its trunk, forming a great circle—a circle of life in which everyone has a unique purpose. The light coming from our hearts merges into one powerful beam, one powerful heartbeat. Notice the colours it emits, the sound it produces, and how it feels to be connected in this way, beating as one.
- The heartbeat is so strong that Earth begins to shake, causing deep cracks to appear on the surface. Despite the wild situation, you feel safe and supported. Through the cracks, a new light emerges, coming directly from the centre of the Earth, from the heart of Gaia. Feel yourself connecting to this new stream of light. The entire circle begins to shine in new hues, beating to a new rhythm.
- You notice the Cherubim approaching, their arms wide open. The flames in their hands are not swords but light of unconditional love, compassion and acceptance for all that exists. You realize that the Garden of Eden is always accessible when you open your heart and attune to the unified heartbeat with Gaia and all beings in the circle of life.
- In your daily life, create new thoughts and new visions for our future in accordance with the wonderful experience of the unified heartbeat.
Sequence 3: Welcoming the Book of Life into Your Heart (proposed by Ying Li)
There is a complete transformation of space and time happening at the moment. Structures which have been permitted by Gaia to exist now require structural supports through the heart to create a stable foundation. This means that what is not grounded in love, risks crumbling away. Such changes can be deeply unsettling. Yet when we open to the bigger picture of transformation, we realise humanity’s precious invitation to Earthly evolution as emissaries of embodied love.
- Imagine that you are walking in a familiar place that you know. As you walk you suddenly notice that all the letters on the signs around you are scrambled. You cannot make sense of any of words and the place now feels totally unfamiliar.
- In this bewilderment you stand still and take a few deep breaths. You then notice your breath is rhythmic and welcoming. Take a moment to sense the elemental beings around you, and how they are opening new pathways of love.
- Stretch out your arms to open to the new pathways of love. Amazingly, you find a book of life comes into your arms. Feel how the book is large, luminous, weightless and cannot be read in a traditional way. When you centre in your heart space, the book opens by itself and its letters dance.
- You see that the letters scramble and unscramble by themselves! You realise that you have the key to decode your surroundings. With gratitude you fold the book of life into your heart. Take a moment to sense the book of life resting in your heart space.
- You now continue walking with ease. Every time you see scrambled letters, you feel the book of life in your heart. Then the letters dance and unscramble by themselves. What’s more, there are new signs and letters appearing, bringing new wisdom and communication to all forms of life.
- Feel a sense of joy and renewed confidence as you realise there is no need to fear. With the book of life in your heart, you adapt to the transformations of your surroundings through Gaia’s infinite powers of love.
Sequence 4: The Widened Tree Heart (proposed by Haro Wijnsouw)
By nature, trees connect the Earthly with the cosmic heart in their own hearts. During this transformation process, this mainly vertical exchange is expanded into a round and all-encompassing function, through which the heart penetrates the entire energy field of the tree. As upright walking beings, we humans are just as vertically oriented as trees. In this way, the trees show us how smoothly and naturally the widening of the heart can work.
- Hold your hands in front of your heart. Use them to form a spherical closed space. There is a seed in this cavity.
- Open your hands slowly. The seed germinates. It forms a stem, leaves and roots. It turns out to be a palm tree.
- The palm tree grows from out of your heart and it keeps getting bigger. When you, the tree, unfold your first large leaves, you spread out your arms and fingers. Feel how the sparkling fountain of energy, typical of palm trees, fills your entire energy field. Your energy field is now one heart field.
- Imagine yourself as a palm tree standing upside down with your crown underground and your root system in the air and how you bring the sparkling energy of the heart into your underground energy field.
- Come back to the familiar position and feel the expanded heart field. Notice how etheric beings gather under your crown, how they bask in the open and warm atmosphere and weave a new quality through your widened heart field.
- Be aware that one of the purposes of participating in the telepathic workshops is to offer the opportunity to beings of other dimensions and worlds of Gaia to collaborate together with us humans on themes important to us all.
- Take some moments to feel all those wonderful beings, and to express your gratitude.
- Ask these beings and worlds to repeat (with us) these proposed exercises into the future, if they decide to do so.
- Please repeat some of the sequences of the workshop according to your choice in the period between one and the next workshop. You can use them as part of your daily meditation.