Magic workshops

Multidimensional healing of soul and body

This session is intended for all those who seek to support their physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being, initiating healing processes and gaining the empowerment to take the reins of their own healing journey. It is also designed for those who hear the call of spiritual awakening and wish to strengthen their connection with their higher, angelic consciousness. Perhaps within you burns the flame of spiritual transformation, not only meant for your personal renewal but aspiring to ignite the highest good for all beings and the entire planet.

I invite you to join me in a healing process that transcends mere alleviation of pain or illness in the body. It is primarily an energetic support and recalibration, opening our consciousness and transforming patterns of thought and action. Only through this can we break free from the cycle of negative thinking and behavior that hinder us from living to the fullest extent of our potentials, gifts, and purposes on this planet.

This gathering also involves dialogue and active participation in the healing process, which unfolds through attunement, activation, or cleansing of chakras. It occurs within a column of tuned white light from the source, supported and blessed by guides and angels.

Chakras are energetic vortexes that facilitate the flow of universal life energy. We have seven of them in our bodies. They regulate the functioning of our physical bodies, directly impacting our glands and hormonal balance. Any imbalance quickly manifests as poor physical health, fatigue, or restlessness. If such a state persists for too long, we face illness. They are also connected to our emotional bodies, which, through unconscious processes, accumulate heavy burdens in the form of unresolved emotions and traumatic experiences over time. Often, we inherit these burdens in our earliest childhood and, to some extent, even adopt them from our parents and other close relatives. This then leads to what we call family medical histories.

However, we are also spiritual beings, connected to the soul of this magnificent planet and to our cosmic origin. Thus, we have two additional lower chakras and three upper ones. The first lower chakra shields us from negative influences of various Earth-conscious beings, while the second one directly connects us to its cosmic aspect and divine origin. The upper three chakras link us to our higher self, soul family, and the unity of universal consciousness.

Healing and activating all chakras not only lead to an empowered and conscious life that enables physical healing but also activates our spiritual potential. It enhances our extrasensory skills, such as intuition, channeling, communication with ancestors, angels, and other spiritual beings of light. It helps us recognize our soul roots and connects us with our soul family members. Thus, we support each other in maintaining the vibration of the new Earth, the new world.

Now is the time for each of us to actively embark on this path and co-create a more beautiful, harmonious life for all beings on this planet. Do you hear the call to join the network of unconditional love and need some support? Then do not hesitate to contact me. I organize meetings both in person, one-on-one, and online. Whichever suits you best. Healing me is healing everyone—and healing you is healing the whole planet.

I have received an incredibly powerful healing initiation from the stellar guides of the wonderful spiritual teacher Solara An Ra.

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