Magic workshops

Heart connection with fairy-tale creatures

Geomantic connection with elemental beings

Heart Connection with Fairy-Tale Creatures" is a whimsical journey, not just for children, but for all who dare to embrace their inner child. Drawing inspiration from stories, books, and picture books, we embark on a quest to ignite our imagination and creativity, unlocking the hidden realms of the Earth's subtle and ethereal spaces. Through playful exploration, we tune into the heartbeat of nature, opening our hearts and sharpening our senses to perceive beyond the veil of the mundane world.

Delving beneath the surface, we encounter the life forms and conscious particles that pulse within the intricate tapestry of existence, weaving together the threads of life's eternal dance. These particles, imbued with the essence of air, water, earth, and fire, evolve and transform alongside the cosmic rhythms, reflecting the ever-changing nature of the universe. Are you curious to learn more about these enigmatic beings? It is through fostering a genuine emotional connection that we recognize our symbiotic relationship with them, fostering a dialogue rooted in cooperation and understanding.

The Earth is not just a planet; she is a living, breathing organism, the very consciousness that birthed us and the world we inhabit. Our human minds are wired to seek out meaningful patterns in our surroundings, using these patterns to make sense of the world and navigate its mysteries. As we encounter the elemental particles of Earth's consciousness, our imagination springs into action, weaving anthropomorphic, animal, or plant-like images around these fundamental building blocks. These images, rooted in our collective memory, tap into ancient archetypes that have stood the test of time, echoing across cultures and generations. It's no surprise then, that we often find ourselves drawn to the realm of fairy-tale creatures.

Throughout history, humans have sensed the subtle flows and particles of consciousness that permeate our world, interacting with them in various ways. However, misunderstanding and fear have sometimes clouded these interactions. Yet, in the rich tapestry of Slovenian and global folklore, we discover a priceless heritage of fairy tales and legends. These tales not only reflect our collective understanding of the world but also serve as a bridge to the creatures that dwell within the Earth's consciousness—beings often revered or feared. By delving into the stories of elemental, mythical, and legendary creatures, we open ourselves to a deeper connection with the world around us. These narratives not only offer insights into our past but also hold keys to understanding our present circumstances and shaping our future. In embracing these tales, we embark on a journey of co-creation, forging bonds with beings whose wisdom transcends time and space. It's not just about what they can teach us about where we've been; it's about the guidance they offer for where we're headed.

How the workshop proceeds?

But this workshop is more than just a lesson in folklore; it is a magical journey through the landscape itself, where every step is a dance with the unseen, and every encounter a brushstroke on the canvas of our imagination. As we wander, we may find ourselves greeted by landscape angels, playful devas, and majestic dragons, each eager to share their stories and wisdom. Together, we weave new narratives, painting them with laughter, wonder, and awe.

Children, both young and old, are invited to shed the shackles of logic and reason, embracing the boundless realms of possibility that lie within. In this enchanted space, they are nurtured and empowered to cultivate their innate creativity, offering a refreshing antidote to the pressures of modernity's relentless pursuit of knowledge. For it is through the lens of imagination that we glimpse the full spectrum of our human potential, forging a path towards a more beautiful and harmonious world—a world where fairy tales are not just stories, but lived realities.


One Comment

  • Anita

    Kako navdihujoče. Hvala Tea, da predajaš to čutnost, to znanje v svet otrok in jim vračaš to modrost, da jim jo ne bo potrebno nikoli pozabiti. Tako bodo znali ostati skozi svoja življenja vedno povezani s to čarobnostjo Narave.

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