Magic sparks

Light vs dark forces or unconditional love

Much of ink has been spilled on a paper and many words spoken about the times in which we live now. How unpredictable and fast everything unfolds. How insecure and confused people are. How much suffering and vain there is in their hearts. It is far too easy to look at the world as it is appearing outside of us and point the finger at the culprits and the executioners. In the flood of vast and endless information, people are urged to seek for reasons and contexts that would legitimate the on-going turmoil surrounding them. The web is a treasury of such endeavors, while all information available are twined with the algorithm of choices and mechanisms of browsers. However, the majority have no doubt about the truth of their views and perspectives. Though, their truth is often built out of bricks, which they often simultaneously assign to the building materials of dark forces.

What a threatening phrase, imbued with centuries of manipulation, threats and fears, nailing people to the same cross that is a source of ridicule when carried by others. Dark forces exist, and have been existing throughout the experience of embodied reality. The universe, and our dear Earth along, needs polarity for its existence. Duality, separation, division lay in the core of life. This wisdom can be found in all ancient philosophies, religions, cultures all over the world. It is in everything and within everyone. Understanding and accepting this fact is a challenge one should face. That light needs darkness to exist, the sweet taste well when we know the bitter. In order to exist as a person, we must first gaze at the eyes of others.

The dance of dark and light may indeed be dancing its last steps in the light of cosmic changes and shifts. But the path to the new leads through the heart. Through unconditional acceptance and action - when we take into account the dynamics of the two poles and allow them to balance and take their original position, emerging from the origin itself.

Then we can step out of it. We can look beyond the manifested levels of consciousness. We connect with the source light, which is neither white nor black. It is the potential of all colors, and we, knowing this, can choose shades.

We don't know the new yet. We can only sense it, and become aware of it. We can approach it in a quiet moment of mindfulness and deep meditation. And then, we are not what we think we are anymore. It's not me, it's not you. And then we don't need the opposite in the reflection of other - good or bad. Then we just are.

What we can know right now is that the world, the universe, the cosmos in all its levels exists only when we are aware of it. My experience is the only referential point I can lean on. Suffering is the other side of the coin of pleasure we crave for. If I stop wanting, fighting, what's left? Have you tried it?

Let's not search for answers outside of ourselves, because if there is no you- there is no world as you perceive it, as you experience it – it does not exist. Is your world negative? If I disappear, your world remains - so don't lean on me or anyone else. Explore by yourself.

With my words, I would like to encourage you to start searching, exploring within yourself. Everyone is a whole universe, of which less than a percent is known. How many undiscovered galaxies of your subconscious are still there. How many hidden constellations of painful planets and traumas. This is the main source of anxiety that inhibits us in the transition to a new world, to a state of peace, joy, bliss.

Let's make our pattern in the fractal web of the universe beautiful and perfect. You probably know the image of a dot that we when approached it reveals itself a complex pattern. It contains more of the dots in itself, and when we come nearer, new and new patterns open up. Peculiar, unique, but following a common geometry. New and new infinities of creation can emerge out of us - us as tiny dots of consciousness. Then, although a dot, we become important tailors of the cosmic canvas.

Let's support ourselves and others in this purpose. What is our true common fabric is unconditional love. The source of everything is unconditional love, which is the only true.

You don't believe me? Nothing is wrong with that. It is enough to embark on a journey of exploring. And don't let the dark forces tear you down. They are only part of the dream dreamed by the collective consciousness. We wake up from one dream every morning. Again and again. Why not also waking up from these one day?


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