Magic sparks

How to live in times of great upheavals?

Last time my dear friend, a free wild being, called a meeting at his teepee. It was organised in a place that provides shelter from prying eyes and at the same time connects you to the pulse of forest growth, animal muzzles, wings and other forms of life. It is enlivened by the subtle proximity of a water spring that feeds creatures of various dimensions and reminds us that the world of elves and dwarves is never far away from us. A space that encourages and supports the creative intentions of living.

Intentions are a human gift that allows us to consciously create in the richness of life on Earth and the entire universe. They are the bridge between the collective consciousness of our existence and the individual's unique imprint that makes our creation so vibrant and beautiful. The question is whether we are aware of our intentions and the resulting actions. When looking at human society, the tears of sadness my easily drop from the eyes and many may wonder where we are heading.

And that issue was actually the reason to gather at this evening. With the question of where this collective human path leads us, along which we observe the mass extinction of animals, pollution of nature, lack of solidarity, and above all great uncertainty about what is an role of individual in the grip of megalomaniacal system frameworks – which tightly close our wings of freedom.

During such conversations, I often feel anxious, because the flow of words usually tends to reflect fear and related anger, anxiety, hatred, and more of such feeling of people. This time, however, our intention was aligned and attuned to the cosmic pulse. That's how I felt. The words from all of us were full of love and encouragement. They reminded us that reality is a projection of our imaginations and that the true essence of existence lies beyond embodied form.

The world is as we see it, feel it and create it. The Law of Attraction is at work all the time, reminding us how intertwined and interconnected we are. The world is not just one, but there are as many as there are points of consciousness that recognize themselves as living beings. These worlds are compatible with each other, connected, or have their own course of existence. Our consciousness consists of a timeline of memories, experiences that we as a soul string on the necklace of our existence. At the time of embodiment, however, we irrefutably weave a common consciousness with the planet that created our body and the entire system of life. We are one with the soul of the planet - Gaia. And she too goes on her own path of development, together with us, recreating her experiences and forge new imprints of consciousness. Our intentions are not only part of our own journey, but our responsibility is even greater, or deeper. It goes all the way to paving the way for the development of the entire planet. And in this respect too, there are more worlds.

On one side, one can see there are the old worlds that are out of tune with the cosmic changes proceeding in the light of the star constellation Aquarius. And they will exist as long as the particular points of consciousness support them. While plugged into the autopilot of the old causal worlds in their routine lives. On the other hand, new ideas are just beginning to manifest and embody on the planet. These come from pure, unconditioned heartbeats. Let's open our hearts and let our intentions lead to new worlds and a new shared world of harmonious coexistence.

The angelic beings gave me a sign of how important this intention is. I can feel their presence daily, but occasionally, they appear in my inner space with a clear image and message. This time I was addressed by three angels in meditation. Gabriel, who reminded me (again) of the importance of the message, Michael and Ariel, the angel of the Earth. They showed me two earths, and between them a black layer that separates both worlds. There are no more bridges between them, but a clear decision where we will step and in which reality we will invest and direct our attention and thus our energy. Their message was: talk about it! I and each one of us is a fractal of pure love and therefore called to create the harmony of being in the original intention.

One Comment

  • Tina

    Draga Čarna Praprot, lepo te je brati! Tvoje besede mehko pobožajo, ker so sprejemajoče, odpirajo v nove in marsikomu neznane svetove, ter vlivajo upanje.

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