Magic workshops

Journey into multidimensional realms of Earth and Cosmos

Healing group meditation

Guided by the resonant tones of a crystal bowl and the rhythmic pulse of a hypnotic drum, let us embark on a voyage aboard the sails of our consciousness. Together, we transcend the confines of our everyday senses, venturing into the depths of existence that lie beyond our immediate perception. Though our consciousness knows no bounds, our awareness remains constrained. Thus, we traverse into the realm our ancestors deemed the dream world, or the causal plane—a realm that dwells within the expanses of our individual and collective subconscious, subtly influencing our daily interactions, reactions, and relationships.

Why do we reference the dream world on our journey? Because within dreams, we encounter beings from realms beyond our own—the animal kingdom, the ethereal, or the familiar streets of our waking lives. In this realm, possibilities abound—we soar, we dance, we sing. Are dreams reality? In the moment of dreaming, they are our truth. Upon waking, the impressions linger, imprinting themselves upon our consciousness. In dreams, we navigate the depths and shallows of our subconscious, where images serve as mirrors reflecting our hidden fears, desires, and aspirations—should we learn to decipher them. Yet, the crucial question remains: where do I end, and another begins?

Quantum physics unveils a truth—everything is consciousness, rippling through the fabric of existence as waves. My body, a product of the Earth, comprises cells harmoniously synchronized to sustain life across the globe. Whose consciousness unites these myriad beings? Earth herself emerges as a complex organism, enveloped within her biosphere and noosphere—a sphere of consciousness, of intelligence. And within this vast tapestry, my consciousness finds its place—a fragment of the collective consciousness that binds us all. But Earth, she is not alone in the universe. She too is but a thread in the tapestry of a broader consciousness—a tapestry in which I am but a humble stitch.

What is the purpose of a journey?

Embark on this enchanting odyssey of the soul, as we traverse the vast expanse of a shared, all-encompassing consciousness, shared by myriad sentient beings. This journey leads us through diverse realms and dimensions, each offering profound insights and messages tailored to the needs of our souls. Within this sphere of consciousness resides a treasury of individual memories and experiences, each contributing to the rich tapestry of existence. Often, we encounter messages and images that transcend our individuality, resonating with the collective human experience, the Earth, and even the boundless reaches of the cosmos.

But are the visions we behold mere figments of imagination? Imagination, fueled by our experiences and emotions, is a creative force that shapes our perceptions and realities. These images, whether rooted in truth or fiction, become part of the tapestry of our memories, offering insights into ourselves and our role in the grand design of creation.

The magical journey of the soul is a voyage of self-discovery, an exploration of our purpose and place in this life. It is a path of healing, both for ourselves and others, fostering connections and expanding the horizons of our consciousness. Like an artist painting the canvas of life, we actively shape our destiny through the creative power of our awareness.

Amidst the myriad possibilities that life presents, we are tasked with choosing our path—a choice often clouded by habit, inertia, and past pain. Yet, by illuminating the darkness with the light of trust and faith, we gain clarity and confidence in our decisions.

Let us trust in ourselves and in the support of those around us, creating a sanctuary filled with love and understanding, where the worries of everyday life fade into the background, allowing the magic of the journey to unfold.

Where we meet?

The journey workshops take place in magical corners of nature. On cold days we also meet indoors, in the Orfej club. ♥ po dogovoru.


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